"Recently graduated from Seoul’s Hongik University in her native South Korea, JeeYoung Lee shoots the invisible. Whereas traditional photography submits extracts of reality to our eyes, the artist offers excerpts from her heart, her memory, or her dreams. Restrained by the inherent limits of the conventional photographic medium, she adds plastic creativity and theatrical performance to it, in order to blow life into her immense needs of expression, and interrogation. For weeks, sometimes months, she creates the fabric of a universe born from her mind within the confines of her 3 x 6 m studio. The moment required to set the stage gives her time to meditate about the causes of her interior conflicts and hence exorcise them; once experienced, they in turn become portents of hope."
Wow, these are really beautiful! It's interesting to me that she uses the same space over and over again. After hearing about your new interests in installation, I can see why you are drawn to this work. But what I really want to see is YOUR work. You have the bottle caps you collected and you've received permission to use the practice rooms in the music wing. This seems like a great starting point. For your next blog post take pictures of the installation you create in that space.
These are indeed interesting pieces. I am most interested in how you will incorporate this into your art. I agree with Ms. Slaughter, you really should post some of your own work. I would love to see what you come up with, especially as it relates to the things that you have been sharing all year. We will need to start planning our spring sharing, so the sooner you begin this process the better!
Wow, these are really beautiful! It's interesting to me that she uses the same space over and over again. After hearing about your new interests in installation, I can see why you are drawn to this work. But what I really want to see is YOUR work. You have the bottle caps you collected and you've received permission to use the practice rooms in the music wing. This seems like a great starting point. For your next blog post take pictures of the installation you create in that space.
回复删除These are indeed interesting pieces. I am most interested in how you will incorporate this into your art. I agree with Ms. Slaughter, you really should post some of your own work. I would love to see what you come up with, especially as it relates to the things that you have been sharing all year. We will need to start planning our spring sharing, so the sooner you begin this process the better!